
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


Absence Procedures:

If your child is absent, you should call the school on the first day and every day of the absence before 9:30am stating the reason. The school will then decide whether to authorise the absence. If authorisation were to be refused, for instance if the child was kept off school to celebrate a birthday, then the parent/carer would be informed. School attendance is required by law. 


If children are too ill to come to school during the day, they are also too ill to fulfil any evening commitments. If children are absent from school due to illness, they should not be playing out, going to the shops etc.


Leave of Absence:

Parents should not book holidays in term time. Parents are not allowed to take their child out of school for a holiday. See Discretionary Leave of Absence in term time policy.


Please note the changes in force from 19th August regarding Penalty Notices- details under  Parents/ Newsletters posted 18/7/24. The school policy will be amended in September 2024 but this change comes into force from 19th August 2024.  

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