
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


Welcome to our Science page:

We were awarded....


At St.Stephen's we wish to provide a science rich curriculum that ensures our children develop the sticky knowledge and key vocabulary that allows them to explore our beautiful world, in addition to acquiring deep thinking and multi-purpose skills that will be used in life. Our balanced curriculum allows the possibility for children to question and learn the natural world around them, in a safe, inclusive environment. Meticulous planning ensures that learning is taught in a creative and active way, which tackles the big questions. Science provides the opportunity for children to activate prior learning and experiences to further develop a deeper understanding, tackle challenges which promote resilience and develop a natural curiosity, thus supporting each child’s mental health and wellbeing.


White Rose Scheme: Science.


At St.Stephen's we have adopted and are implementing the White Rose scheme of learning for Science. The scheme allows small steps in progression to follow the national curriculum and helps children to build and grasp ideas in a scientific way which further progresses their scientific understanding.


To find out more information about White Rose Science then please visit the White Rose Education hub on the following website: 



Long Term Overview 2023-2024

Yearly Overiew-Topics

Yearly Overview-Working Scienitfically

Extra Curricular

During the academic year science clubs are taught by Mrs Carr (Open to all year groups throughout the academic year).  These provide additional opportunities for children to participate in practical science and engineering activities.


Science in action.

KS 1 Science Club

Here are a few useful websites featuring video clips and further information.

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