
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

School Uniform

School Uniform & PE Kit

School Uniform


We expect full compliance with the school uniform and for the children to wear it with pride demonstrating they belong to the St. Stephen’s school family.

  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo.
  • White school shirt /blouse or white polo shirt with school logo.
  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirt, or pinafore dress.
  • Socks or tights should be plain black, grey or white. No multi coloured or patterned are allowed, neither are leggings.
  • Sun caps in the summer.
  • Red and white gingham dresses may be worn in summer.
  • Children should wear good fitting, black shoes within school. 'Outside' footwear e.g. wellingtons, boots, and trainers, must not be worn in school.



Headscarves can be worn in Yr5/Yr6 but MUST BE REMOVED FOR P.E. It should be the specified elasticated headscarves available from school and locally.


Hair accessories should be minimal and be in school colours.


The only jewellery permitted are a watch and plain gold studs which must be removed for PE.


PE Kit

  • White school t-shirt with school logo.
  • Red school PE shorts or red or black leggings.
  • Black plimsols.
  • A spare pair of socks.
  • A pair of trainers and red or black tracksuit bottoms for outdoor P.E. for children in KS2, in cold weather.


Swimming Kit

  • Swimming costume/trunks (not Bermuda shorts or bikini).
  • Towel.
  • Swimming hat.
  • Girls are allowed to wear the all in one costume.

We also sell school logo badges for £1.50 which can be ironed onto t-shirts, jumpers and cardigans bought from other shops

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