
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

Behaviour Expectations & Rewards



At St. Stephen’s we promote a positive ethos where we recognise and celebrate all of our pupil’s achievements.  To support this we reward children for many different reasons.  Below is an outline of the rewards children receive and what they receive them for:


Praise is a key part of every staff member’s daily practice.  At St. Stephen’s we:

  • Praise individually, as a group, as a class, as a whole school, in private, in class, in  assembly and explain clearly what the praise has been given for;
  • Feedback praise to parents – by speaking to the parent or using notes home, texts, etc;
  • Give out merits, stickers, smiley faces, certificates, prizes, team tokens;
  • Provide extra responsibilities.  For example, monitor jobs etc.



  1. St. Stephen's Star Award - The St. Stephen's Star is selected by the class teacher who will consider the children's behaviour in class and around school. The children are rewarded during our Friday celebration worship where they will explain what they have done well and become a role model for other children. The children are rewarded with a certificate and have the honour of wearing the St. Stephen's star fleece jacket all week.
  2. Recognition Board - Another of our new behaviour initiatives which allows all children to be recognised for modelling and following our 3 behaviour expectations. Each classroom has a Recognition Board and each week a target is set by the teacher an class. The children's aim is to get 'spotted' for achieving the target set with the aim of moving their name onto the Recognition Board. When the children move their name a class celebration is had and the children receive a round of applause and team tokens. Children can achieve silver, gold and diamond awards.
  3. Team tokens – rewarded for behaviour & modelling Christian/British values - Each child and member of staff belong to one of four teams, each team has captains and vice captains to represent them.  Team tokens are given for modelling the behaviour expectations and demonstrating the school values, they are collected in class and taken at the end of the week to the central collection point where they are counted and a winner announced at the end of each half term.  An appropriate reward will be received by the winning team decided by the school council and house captains.
  4. Merits – rewarded for excellent work & positive attitudes to learning – these are collected on various coloured cards.  Once filled with 10 merits, a certificate is given.  Each Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Award requires 3 certificates – therefore a total of 9 certificates are available throughout the year.  A maximum number of merits given at one time should not exceed 2 (only in exceptional circumstances).  Merits given for examples of improved standards against their own performance (pride in own work/doing your best)  Aut. term-Bronze award-10 steps Spr. term-Silver award-20 steps Sum. term-Gold-30 steps & Platinum award – 40 steps.
  5. Golden Time - This is where all children get to choose what they would like to do on a Friday afternoon from 2:30pm - 3:00pm as an extra reward for their excellent behaviour and attitudes.


Behaviour Expectations

We have 3 behaviour expectations that we expect all adults and children to model and achieve. We are all one family at St. Stephen's so therefore we all have the same high expectations of each other, whether big or small.

The 3 behaviour expectations are as follows:

  1. We show RESPECT in what we say and do;
  2. We ASPIRE by being brave and courageous in our journey to success;
  3. We are ready to learn and are proud of what we ACHIEVE


*These expectations are discussed with the children and are understood/agreed by all the children in all the classes. They were developed in consultation with all adults in the school*


Children are also encouraged to value their own and other people’s cultural heritage and be made aware of the effects of their behaviour on their own health and safety and on the health and safety of others.


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