
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts



EAL (English as an Additional Language)

Language development central is central to our curriculum in order to facilitate and accelerate equal access and ensure pupils with EAL are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential.


At St. Stephen’s Church of England Primary School our pupils come from a range of cultural backgrounds and as a school we have 17 different home languages. The vast majority of our pupils are of Asian heritage. We also have a number of children entering school from main land Europe many of whom start school with very little or no English. At our school the vast majority of our pupils are learning English as an additional language which is why we aim to celebrate EAL across school.


Our Aim

All pupils need to feel safe and secure, accepted and valued in order to learn. This includes valuing every learner’s home language and background. As a school we recognise that bilingualism is a strength that EAL pupils should be proud of. As a school we recognise that it is important to raise an awareness of the different languages and cultural backgrounds our pupils have and to celebrate these in many ways. Classrooms are socially and intellectually inclusive here at St Stephen’s, valuing cultural differences and fostering a range of cultural identities.



Some of the resources we use for EAL


Talking Tickets


Talking Tin Lids Puppets PENpal


Click below to view useful websites for EAL Resources 

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