
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


Welcome to our DT page!

Our DT curriculum intends to provide our children with the skills needed to engage positively with a designed and made world. Children are encouraged to apply their skills and creativity to design, make and evaluate products. In order to allow children to continually build their problem solving and risk taking skills we provide our learners with exciting stimuli and real life contexts which form the basis of our projects. 


We aim to:

  • use creativity and imagination to produce innovative ideas
  • use information from different sources to analyse ideas and develop a plan
  • design, make and evaluate functional and appealing products considering own and others needs
  • apply skills and knowledge from areas such as Maths and Science to help solve problems
  • select and use a range of tools to perform practical tasks
  • evaluate products against criteria, celebrate our work and learn from our mistakes

DT projects

Throughout school we have various exciting DT projects, from creating communication devices for astronauts to designing, branding and selling chocolate to the entire school. Please browse our gallery to see some of our end products. 

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