Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Class Teachers
5 Larch - Miss R Hillary 5 Cedar - Miss L Thompson
Support Staff
Mrs Y Patel (TA)
Mrs Sidat (SSA)
What will we be learning this term?
Reading: Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo, Who let the Gods out by Maz Evans
Literacy: Greek myths - Arachne
Maths: Multiplication, and division, statistics, perimeter and area
Science: Life cycles
History: The Vikings, Ancient Greeks
Geography: Rivers
RE: Hinduism, Significant women from the Old Testament
French: Places to visit in towns
PSHE: How do we grow and change?
ART: Landscapes
DT: Designing a Viking ship
Music: Chords and composing
PE: Athletics, Dance, Invasion games
How can you help at home?
Please ensure your child is reading aloud to an adult every day at home. It is expected that they have their reading record signed by a parent or older sibling each time they read at home. We greatly value and appreciate your support in instilling a love of reading in your child - thank you!
If you have any queries or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher at the end of the school day or on Showbie.
Parent help guides
Here are some useful resources for you to use at home when supporting your child.