
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

Good Practice Guidelines

Good Practice Guidelines  

To meet and maintain our responsibilities towards pupils we need to agree standards of good practice. This expectation of good practice applies to all staff.

All staff and volunteers will:

  • Treat all pupils with respect
  • Treat pupils as individuals
  • Put the child’s welfare first
  • Set a good example by conducting ourselves appropriately
  • Involve pupils in decisions that affect them
  • Encourage positive and safe behaviour among pupils
  • Be a good listener
  • Be alert to changes in pupils’ behaviour
  • Recognise that challenging behaviour may be an indicator of abuse
  • Read and have a good understanding of the school’s integrated safeguarding portfolio
  • Ask the pupil’s permission before doing anything for them of a physical nature, such as assisting with dressing, physical support during PE or administering first aid
  • Maintain appropriate standards of conversation and interaction with and between pupils and avoiding the use of sexualised or derogatory language
  • Be aware that the personal and family circumstances and lifestyles of some pupils lead to an increased risk of abuse
  • Be aware and sensitive of different cultures and different communities
  • Be aware of the possible necessity for a neutral translator for a child who cannot express him/herself in English as well as his/her mother tongue
  • Share concerns immediately with the DSL
  • Always act in the best interests of the child or young person

Roles and Responsibilities

All adults working with or on behalf of children have a responsibility to protect children and keep them safe.

Simplistically this is done by following the 4 R’s

  • Recognise – unmet needs, abuse and harm
  • Respond – alert the DSL and/or Children’s Social Care
  • Record – ensure records are kept up-to-date and secure
  • Refer – share information (in compliance with GDPR) and refer to external agencies to safeguarding and protect children from harm
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