
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


                                              Welcome to                                                  St Stephen's History page       

Our Aim

The aim of teaching History in our school, is to give each child an opportunity to develop an awareness of Britain's past and that of the wider world. We feel it is important for our children to acquire a sense of the past, as each child needs to know where they are in relation to their immediate past and what went before this. Through studying history, we hope to bring about a sense of belonging, of having roots within our community and country, of cultures and traditions which can give each child an invaluable sense of belonging to their past as well as to their present. We hope to provide our children with an experience of history which is both valid and stimulating.



As historians the children will develop an understanding of how people's lives have influenced change to society. The children will enhance their knowledge on chronology by using timelines. They will develop critical thinking skills and will raise curiosity by effective questioning when handling artefacts from the past. 


We can find out about the past through other subjects too like RE and gain an understanding of the timeline of different religions and the life span of Jesus' time on earth. 


'For whatever things were written before were written for our learning that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.'

Romans 15:4



          History ELE's (Early Learning Experiences)                    


At St. Stephen's C.E. Primary School, we believe that children should have quality learning experiences. Each year group have planned experiences that will enable children to receive an exciting and creative history education. These range from external and parent workshops, special visitors, walks in the local area, school trips, visit to the museum, dress up days, field trips, replicating the past day and productions. 



Year 6 - Mayan Day

Rememberence Day at Corporation Park

As part of Remembrance Day, staff from St Stephens accompanied pupils to a service held at the war memorial in Corporation Park. The children read poems to show/talk relating to WW1 and we held a 2 minute silence which pays respects to those who gave their lives for their country in the First and Second World War, and conflicts thereafter. 

Useful History websites to support your child's learning!



The following websites include animated videos, quizzes and games to support the intrigued historian!


KS1 History BBC Bitesize


BBC KS2 History -





                                                            Did you Know?                                                 

We have history at the heart of our very own town of Blackburn! Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery is free to visit and has an engrossing collection of fine art, Egyptian artefacts, coins, local history of Blackburn and much much more! The Museum also run workshops at weekends and during the half term holidays. Visit the website below to find out what's on!


Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery 



History overview

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