
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


Our prefects are made up of girls and boys from year 6.  They are a group of children who have specific roles and responsibilities during their lunch hour.  Each child has agreed to a code of conduct and have signed up to various roles within school.  All of our prefects play an important part in making sure our school runs smoothly and effectively and are role models to the rest of the children during lunchtimes; we are very proud to have them.

The team of year 6 prefects will support in the training of the year 5 children who will prepare for being a year 6 prefect in the Summer term.  The year 5 children will begin training for their prefect role in the Spring 2 term and will shadow our year 6 prefects as part of the training process.


What roles and responsibilities do the prefects have?

Large and small hall monitors-Supporting our welfare assistants, serving drinks, ensuring children are lining up safely and sensibly

Link corridor monitors-Safety and movement are key priorities here.  They guide children to where they need to be and ensure this is done in a safe and sensible manner.

Office monitors-Supporting the office staff with the delivery of letters, change and important notices to each classroom.

Class monitors-Helping the children line up in an orderly manner so they enter the classroom calmly and ready to learn 

Library monitors-Tidying the library, reminding classes to visit, monitoring books and the quality of them.

Lunch trolley monitors-Transporting lunchboxes to and from the link corridor.

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