
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!




Welcome to our Year 2 class page. Below is an overview of everything we will be doing this half term. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to speak to the classroom teachers and we will do our best to help you. 


We can't wait to work with you and your child encompassing God's love in everything we do.


'I will instruct you in the way you should go, I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.'

Psalm 32:8


Our class teachers are

            Mrs Carr                                                  Mr O'Rourke

       2 Holly                                   2 Maple



Our Teaching Assistants are:

Holly and Maple Class - Mrs Mukadam

Holly Class SSA - Mrs Arif


Our School Day


8:40 - 3:15

Parents must drop off their children at their classrooms doors. It is vital that you drop your children off between the times of 8:40 am and 8:45 am. Anytime after this will result in your child receiving a late mark by their name in the register.


PE days

2 Maple: Monday and Wednesday

2 Holly: Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure your child always has their PE kit in school everyday.




As a school we are aiming to get our overall attendance up to 95%. You must ensure your child is in school every day. If your child misses more than 9.5 days of school, they cannot meet this target.


9.5 days = 57 hours of learning.

What we are learning this term:


English - This half term we will start by looking at an extract from a story called 'Lila and the secret of the rain'. The children will write a diary entry to the story using the view of Lila. The children will be using their known and previously taught English skills from Year 1.


Maths - We are going to be focusing on  using our addition and subtraction skills to practically find methods to work out problems quickly and we will finish with recapping our knowledge on 2D and 3D shapes.


Please practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home - have a go at Times Tables Rockstars.


Science - This half term we will start off by looking at animals including humans and in particular survival needs. We will then be exploring materials and their properties. 


RE - We are learning about the Christmas Story and exploring why the birth of Jesus was such good news.


Geography and History - This term our focus will be Geography. We will be looking at our local area and how this compares to bigger cities in particular Shanghai in China.


PSHE -  This half term we are looking at our feelings and the importance of recognising what we are feeling and how we can express different feelings.



Useful websites


Showbie -

Zoom -

My Maths -

Times Tables Rockstars -

Oxford Owl -

Oak National Academy -

White Rose Maths -



We need your support!


Home Reading

Please support us by ensuring you listen to your child read everyday and sign their home reading books. Home reading books will be changed once your child has shown the teachers a signature in their reading record. 


School Library

Your children will bring an additional library book which will be changed on a weekly basis. Please encourage your child to read this as well. There is a charge of £5 if any books are lost. Both classes will visit the school library every Monday so please ensure your child has their library book in school every Monday so it can be changed.


Weekly Homework

Homework will be given out every Friday and this will vary each week. 


Weekly Spellings

A spelling list will be sent home every Friday. Please help your child practise these. All children will be tested every Friday and consist of words from the Year 1 and 2 spelling list.


Times Tables

Please help your child learn their times tables facts. By the end of year 2 children should know the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication facts.

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