Year 1
Welcome to our Year 1 Class Page!
Welcome to the Spring term in Year 1!
Here you will find lots of information about our current learning, how you can learn at home, reminders and information about all of our Year 1 events.
We have two classes in Year 1.
1 Rowan
Mrs Master
1 Birch
Miss Farren
This half term our topic is:
Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?
Our Christian Value this half term is: Self- esteem.
What will we be focusing on in each subject?
Spring 1 2025
Key vocabulary which you can also discuss with your child is highlighted in blue.
Key questions which you can discuss with your child are highlighted in green.
Literacy Talk for Writing Text: Little Penguin Lost beginning, middle, end, characters, settings, innovation. What happens in the story? Where is the story set? What happens next? After that? Before? Writing Outcomes: Write in complete sentences. Consistently use taught punctuation. Spell most CEW words accurately. Reading Outcomes: Begin to read Year 1 CEWs. Draw inferences from a text and/or the illustrations. Read age-appropriate texts fluently.
| Maths Number: Place value (Within 20)
count, sort, compare, fewer, more, same, less, greater, equal. How many are there? Which group has more/ fewer? How can we sort these objects?
Science Animal classification
Animal, mammal, fur, pet, bird, beak, wings, feathers, flipper, webbed feet, fish, fin, tail, scales, gills. What is a mammal? Can all mammals be pets? Which birds can swim? What features do fish have?
| Topic Geography- Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place? Arid, climate, compass, continent, country, desert, Equator, globe, grasslands, human feature, ice sheet, land, locate, map, mild, ocean. What are the seven continents? Where is North and South Pole located? What is the UK like compared to Kenya? |
RE Jesus' miracles
Jesus, Son of God, friendship, miracle, disciple. What made Jesus special? Who were the special friends of Jesus and how did they try to follow his teachings? Why did the wind and waves obey Jesus? | PSHE Families
Family, relationship, mutual, respect, tolerance. Who looks after us? Who do I go to if I am worried about something? Who is special to me? How do we look after each other? |
You can find out more about our learning on our Year 1 Curriculum Map
Year 1 Curriculum Map
Please have a look at our Year 1 Curriculum Map which will give you a detailed overview of our learning this year in all subject areas. It also gives you extra exciting information about any trips, visits and additional learning experiences the children will enjoy this year!