
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

Pupils have their say

Our most recent pupil surveys have shown some positive responses from all our pupils, from EYFS to Year 6. 


Things that you love about our school:

  • School is important to you and you enjoy coming to school each day;
  • You know that there are people who you can talk to in school if you have a problem;
  • You enjoy the Kagan groups and believe that this helps you with your learning;
  • The school values help you learn and help you with the choices that you make, especially with your behaviour;
  • If you had a problem or somebody was upsetting or hurting you, 93% of you said that you would tell someone at school or at home;
  • You show positive attitudes towards your learning and you want to do well at school;
  • A love of learning is evident and you know how important school is;
  • You believe that pupils show respect to each other and the adults around the school, which is one of our behaviour expectations: 'We show respect in what we say and do.'
  • You love the P4L activities that we provide with the top 3 being: Cooking, Mad Science and Military School.


Things we need to work on include:

  • Children and parents being able to define bullying (think about S.T.O.P - Several Times On Purpose);
  • Ensuring that we all see and set good examples of behaviour in and around our school;
  • Making sure we look after one another and are brave and courageous in making decisions.
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