
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

Physical Education

Physical Education

Miss R Hillary (PE Lead)

Physical Education is a compulsory part of the curriculum for all pupils at every Key Stage, from age four to 16. It is recommended that pupils receive a minimum of two hours curricular PE per week.


Here at St Stephen's, we are very fortunate to be able to offer each class the opportunity to work alongside coaches from Progressive Sports. The specialised coaches work alongside our teachers to help build their confidence in delivering high-quality PE lessons to support the children in acquiring new skills and developing their current skills further.


Our pupils in Year 3 will have the opportunity to go swimming once a week for half of the school year. This is a vital opportunity for our children to learn how to swim or develop the skills they may already have. In Year 6, the children will also have the opportunity to revisit and consolidate their swimming skills through booster lessons covered over one week. By 31 July each year, information on the school’s swimming lessons, covering the percentage of pupils in the Year 6 cohort who have met the national curriculum requirement to:

  •   Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
  •   Use a range of strokes effectively.
  •   Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

PE Hall Timetable

At St Stephen's, each class is allocated two PE sessions over the week, in which they are given one small hall slot and one large hall slot to run their PE sessions, with the outdoors being used when permitted. As part of the curriculum, children will be given the opportunity to learn the skills in the following areas: Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics and Invasion Games (e.g. Rugby, Netball, Cricket, Badminton and Tennis).

Sports Clubs & Competitions

We offer a range of sports clubs at St Stephen's run by our talented teachers and the coaches from Progressive Sports. Some of the clubs we have provided so far this year include: football, netball, multi-sports, badminton and basketball.


At the beginning of the year, children in Year 6 competed in a football tournament run by Blackburn Rovers FC, in which the children played against various schools from and around Blackburn. Check out some of our snapshots from the tournament below:

Exciting Events

We were all thrilled to welcome Pete Thompson (also known as the Skipping Ninja) to St Stephen's this year. Pete is a five time skipping world-record holder and believes in the power of exercise to help kids get stronger in their bodies, but also to boost their well-being. Pete worked alongside each class throughout the day to teach them some new skills and to have fun whilst doing so!


For more information about the Skipping Ninja click the following link:


Check out the pictures below to see our very own skipping ninjas here at St Stephen's:

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