Induction for EYFS
It is important to us that you and your child feels happy, confident and safe when they join our school family.

Here at St Stephens, we pride ourselves on our robust Induction Plan for our new children and families. Our aim is to ensure that your both you and your child feel part of our school family long before September.
Details of our EYFS Induction Programme
During the Summer Term, prior to starting school the following September, there are several parts of Induction that take place. These are detailed below:
- Parents are invited to attend an ‘Induction Meeting’ at school.
- Foundation Stage staff visit pre-school settings to meet the children and their Key Workers.
- Foundation Stage staff complete Home Visits.
- Children and parents are invited to ‘Stay and Play’ mornings in school.
- Children visit school with their Key Workers if they are in a pre-school setting and it is possible for nursery staff to accompany them.
- Children attend an ‘Induction morning’ on their own towards the end of the academic year.
- Any children with Special Education Needs and children who pre-school staff or parents think will struggle to settle at school are invited to visit more frequently during the final half term if this can be facilitated.
In September, the children have a staggered but swift introduction to school. The children are inducted over the course of three days with a maximum of twenty new children arriving each day. The youngest children who may have more difficulty in settling, start school first and are joined by the rest of the children over the following two days.
It is important to say that if you have any questions, queries or concerns at any point you are most welcome to contact school.
Additional Support for Parents
EYFS Virtual Tour