
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

SEND Interventions at St Stephen's

SEAL Skills

Motor Skills ProgrammeWrite Dance
ClickerOccupational Therapy ProgrammesSensory room access
Nurture room provisionSpeech & Language Therapy ProgrammePECS
MakatonGuided TalkClever fingers

Memory interventions

Let's TalkTalk across the curriculum
Talking PartnersAuditory Memory - Language

Language Gap

Derbyshire LanguageSynthetic PhonicsSee & Learn
Wishtrac phonicsRead Write IncBig Writing

Body awareness

Power of 1 & 2Number sense
Building Firm FoundationsFuzz BuzzLaunch the Lifeboat programme
Better Reading Dyslexi kitCatch Up Literacy
Reading RecoveryNessyBox of Feelings
Peer MassageRelaxationArt Therapy

Play Therapy

Lego Therapy

Concrete & visual prompts

Visual Timetable

ACE Strategies


Pattern RunningSensory CircuitsTed's Talk
TeodorescuDough DiscoIDL
Ready for SoundsPrecision TeachingVisual Shorthand


There are a number of Speech & Language programmes supported by the SEND Support Service which are used. These are outlined below.  

Ready Steady Listen (nursery)     


Buzzword (nursery/early rec)






  Teds Talk    


  Lego Therapy    


Topic Talktastic 


Guided Talk (KS2)   


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