
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts




Mrs A Gheewala (Maths Lead)


Our Maths Vision and Ethos

We at St Stephen’s Church of England Primary School aim for all children to be passionate and confident in Mathematics. We want children to be fluent with number facts and be able to approach problems with a ‘can do’ attitude and solve them in a variety of ways. In addition to this, we want them to be able to explain their reasoning confidently using specific mathematical vocabulary. With high expectations of all, we encourage each child to reach their full potential.  We want ALL children to gain a sense of achievement.

White Rose Maths Scheme: 'Mastery Maths'

We have adopted and implemented the White Rose maths scheme. This approach has a firm belief that, regardless of a child’s starting point, they can achieve and succeed in maths. As a school, we share the same aspirations for our children, and we aim to support them in becoming independent and confident problem solvers, with a breadth of mathematical skills which will support them in their everyday lives.


“Together, we’re building a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. No matter what their starting points, we help teachers and learners everywhere to achieve excellence.” 

(White Rose Maths Team)


To find out more information about the White Rose Hub and to find lots of useful resources and tools, please visit the following website:


How can parents get involved?


  • Attend one of our 'Come and Watch me learn' parent workshops to see mastery maths in action! Watch how we use concrete resources to represent our abstract mathematical calculations.
    (See newsletters for more information)
  • Ensure your child's homework is completed regularly written mathematics homework as well as completing My Maths and Times Table Rock Stars tasks.
  • When solving mathematical calculations at home, allow your child to explore and use a variety of manipulatives (such as coins, counters, buttons or beans) to help them solve the problem. 
  • Encourage your child to regularly practise number bonds and times tables at home, as this will greatly support their number fluency and maths learning at school.
  • Test your child daily with mental maths questions – this can be done verbally and only takes 5-10 minutes per day.

Number Fluency

The National Curriculum states that pupils should become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice. Fluency gives pupils the ability to delve deeper into Maths; to develop number sense and choose the most appropriate method for the task at hand; to be able to apply a skill to multiple contexts.


Number fluency practice should be completed every day in order to be able to rapidly recall key number facts. Songs and Rhymes are an excellent way to improve number fluency as well as fun, interactive games. All children at St Stephen's also have access to 'Times Table Rock Stars'.


What is Times Tables Rock Stars?

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Have fun at home playing competitive games or tournaments against your peers whilst learning your times tables. Work through the levels until you reach ROCK LEGEND status. 




Useful websites

Below are some useful websites that will support and enhance your child’s learning at home:

Maths Calculation Policy

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