
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


How creative can YOU be with 21 letters?


Bananagrams club has sets of Bananagrams, Scrabble and Boggle. All these games focus on the creativity of word making, initially as a team and later individually.


Bananagrams is a fun game played with 21 alphabet tiles where all the tiles must be used up to make a crossword effect. First team to succeed wins!


Scrabble is played at first in pairs and without scoring, then we progress to individuals playing with scoring!


Boggle has now been introduced too – pit your brain against the timer and create as many words as you can – ONLY the ones others don’t find give you a score!


Aasiya from year 2 said “The best aspect of Bananagrams is playing the game with my friends” and Anisha from year 5 commented “It's fun to make a crossword with letters you randomly picked out and complete it by using them all”.


Bananagrams club is open to years 2-6 on a half termly rota basis over the academic year, when Covid levels permit. 12 pupils from each year group are invited to this lunch time club.

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