
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


 Our Vision


Our vision is based on Psalm 119 v66 teach knowledge and good judgement. Our aim is to ensure our children turn out to be the best citizens they can be by showing respect, following God's laws and demonstrating the christian values which are pertinent to all faiths. 

At St. Stephen’s Church of England Primary we want a school where:


  • Children are the priority, they feel safe, thrive and flourish.
  • We value each child as an individual and seek to bring out the best in them.
  • Passion, enthusiasm and drive is at the heart of everything we do.
  • Children achieve highly and are well prepared for a successful future.
  • There is a distinctive Christian ethos along with a mutual respect for all faiths.
  • We are inclusive  promoting respect, tolerance and harmony among children and staff of diverse backgrounds and racial origins.
  • An enriched holistic curriculum meets the needs of all groups of learners, enabling them to become articulate, resilient and independent learners.
  • We encourage the children to aspire , take risks, engage and collaborate.
  • We nurture all to appreciate being part of a God centred community and be responsible citizens, promoting positive mental well-being.
  • There are positive partnerships and mutual respect with all stakeholders; parents, governors, church, the community.
  • We value family engagement and endeavour to work in partnership to raise aspirations for our children to become confident, successful and ambitious learners.
  • We provide positive role models for all pupils.
  • The workforce is happy and takes pride in making a difference to our children.
  • Staff members are approachable, committed and dedicated to providing the best possible education for our children.


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