
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts

Community Clean Up

Salam/ Hello, hope you are well and ramadhaan is going well.

Last week myself and Shamim Abbas (Environmental officer from the Council) were on Robinson St, and spent some time on the footpath behind the masjid and highlighted the need for the clean up. Not only was there shrubs that were over grown and not serving much purpose but litter, clothing items that had been dumped, and rats running around.

Shamim informed me yesterday, with the joyous news that the area has been cleaned up. The pictures are attached. We hope yourselves and those frequenting the area will have noticed that this has been done and make an effort to keep it tidy now the hard work has been done.


I will be sending out a message to the local area informing them , as soon as I receive the before pictures!


I personally was delighted with the fast turn around, thank you Shamim, especially with how busy the area gets during namaz times and with eid and summer on its way.


Hassan – thank you for raising the issue and providing suggestions, I massively appreciate it and we are still hoping post eid to hold a day where we can get the community together encourage the need to keep the area tidy.




Many Thanks

Take Care


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