
St Stephen's Church of EnglandPrimary School

Respect, Aspire, Achieve

In our school, whatever the challenge,

we aim high with God in our hearts


Year 6 enjoying our new library.

DIAL Reading:

DEDUCTIVE questions:

Ones where the text does not actually tell us, but we can work out the answer directly from information the text gives us. To answer them well we need to read the text very carefully and work things out from the information we are given (but not make things up of our own). 


INFERENTIAL questions:
Ones where the text does not actually tell us, but we can work out the answer by considering the hints and clues in the text in the light of our own knowledge and experience.



Ones that ask us what the write has done and why. To answer these well we need to read the text very carefully and try to put ourselves in the writer’s place (i.e. ‘read like a writer’). We need to think about what the writer was trying communicate and how he/she went about doing it. 


LITERAL questions:
Ones where we can find the answer directly in the text.
To answer them well we need to read the text very carefully and find the exact words that tell us what the questions asks. 


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